*(update 2nd feb 2020...i am trying to figure out how to create my
blogposts from now on. i am not sure of its format for 2020! in the
meantime there is ...
I know, I just kind of, did that thing? Where I didn't post here for a
whole year?
Anyway, in that time I've gone back to school to finish my thesis (it
The metamorphosis, that’s why I painted this in the first place. The fully
realised state, of us. How the world need to change. And if we don't
- mother ...
Belly Of The Whale, 2015 Photographic printing on plywood, gloss varnish
finish Installation of 10 boards each measuring 21cm (h) x 14.8cm (w) x
1.5cm (d) ...
Suhu merupakan parameter yang sangat penting dalam lingkungan perairan
dan berpengaruh secara langsung maupun tidak langsung...
Yes….that's right! I have a major girl crush on this lady~ Sophia Amoruso!
This woman is such an inspiration and I can't wait to get a copy and read
Among the legendary stories of art practiced as resistance, few ring as
powerfully as that of Olivier Messiaen and his iconic Quartet for the End
of Time. ...
Und da ist's auch schon, das letzte reguläre Türchen im Dotti's Vintage
Adventskalender – bevor wir morgen einen eurer Wünsche von unserem
Wunschzettel er...
MC played trumpet with the dance rock/indie pop rumpus known as Belle Ghoul
last Friday, Sept. 11th, a band comprised of some of the most delightful
At the start of every season, I try to make a point of going to the Rem
Koolhaas-designed Prada store in Beverly Hills to look at the new arrivals
— displa...
Hi guys!
I'm super excited to announce the reopening of my online print and poster
store. Yay! Also I know lots of you like to shop via Etsy as there is s...
Don't forget to change your Fine Little Day subsrciption to
I know that many of you are here looking, but you should look here :)
tomorrow we are moving into our first home as a married couple.
the apartment's painted white, scrubbed clean, its cabinets & drawers lined
and floors p...
Lost At E Minor is a blog to help you find DIY projects, crafts, and DIY
home decor ideas with step by step tutorials, tips, and instructions PDF
A couple of weeks ago Mandate of Heaven and Paloma Soledad got together
for a little slumber party photo shoot to help announce a private trunk
show du...
HIER GIBT ES NICHTS MEHR ZU LESEN. Jedenfalls ab heute keine neuen Beiträge
mehr – mein guter alter Blog hat sich nach drei erfüllten gemeinsamen
Jahren tr...
Hello! I wanted to let you all know that Q's Daydream Handmade is back
open for business! Currently the navy and black gingham playsuits are
available, ma...
This week the village of Rachel Ashwell Shabby Chic Couture worked towards
creating a magical moment in NYC for the DIFFA event held at the
Architectural ...
I have started a tumblr, just to post irrelevent but inspirational
pictures, videos, quotes and music. feel free to follow here or send me
your tumblr l...
[image: https://www.facebook.com/DotDotDotDesign]
2014 involved a lot of wandering, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel
lost for much of it. It was a...
Hi guys,
Thanks so much for the feedback. It’s been great seeing the response and
really hearing about how people use the site.
One thing we’ve been getti...
Erlebe Usedom im Winter: Von legendärem Bier im Wasserschloss Mellenthin
über Insel-Safaris bis hin zu köstlichen Fischgerichten bei echten Locals.
Junge Frauen lieben frische Düfte. Die Industrie berücksichtigt das, und
bringt daher zu den verschiedenen Anlässen neue Parfums auf den Markt, wie
zum Bei...